Saturday, 21 December 2013


Ø Kbit/s:Stands for thousands of bits per second.
Ø Kerberos:The name 'Kerberos' was derived from Greek mythology which refers to the three-headed dog that guarded the gates of Hades. Kerberos is most widely used in a network to provide secure network authentication. Usually to authenticate users of the network.
Ø Kernel:The central module of an operating system. It is the part of the operating system that loads first, and it remains in main memory. Because it stays in memory, it is important for the kernel to be as small as possible while still providing all the essential services required by other parts of the operating system and applications. Typically, the kernel is responsible for memory management, process and task management, and disk management. 
Ø Keygen:(Key Generator). Refers to a program that will automatically generate a registration or serial number. Its usual purpose is to eliminate software piracy.
Ø Kilobyte: (KB) This is about a thousand bytes of space. In reality, it's two to the 10th power or 1,024 bytes. 

Ø KVM:Keyboard-Video-Mouse switch. A piece of hardware that connects two or more computers to a single keyboard, monitor and mouse. Imagine you have a row of 4 computers that all serve as file servers. Why waste money buying 4 monitors, 4 keyboards and 4 mice. With a KVM switch you can connect all 4 computers to one monitor, keyboard and mouse and to switch between them when needed.  

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