64-bit processor
A 64-bit processor is a microprocessor with a word
size of 64 bits, a requirement for memory and data intensive applications such
as computer-aided design (CAD) applications, database management systems,
technical and scientific applications, and high-performance servers. 64-bit
computer architecture provides higher performance than 32-bit architecture by
handling twice as many bits of information in the same clock
The 64-bit processor is backwards compatible with
older applications and operating systems; it detects whether an application or
operating system is 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit and computes accordingly. This is
essential for enterprise situations where purchasing new software is not
Intel, IBM, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett Packard, and
AMD currently develop or offer 64-bit processors.
Clock Cycle
In a computer, the clock cycle is the time between
two adjacent pulses of the oscillator that sets the tempo of the computer
processor. The number of these pulses per second is known as the clock speed,
which is generally measured in Mhz (megahertz, or millions of pulses per
second) and lately even in Ghz (gigahertz, or billions of pulses per second).
The clock speed is determined by a quartz-crystal circuit, similar to those
used in radio communications equipment.
Some processors execute only one instruction per
clock cycle. More advanced processors, described as superscalar, can perform
more than one instruction per clock cycle. The latter type of processor gets
more work done at a given clock speed than the former type. Similarly, a
computer with a 32-bit bus will work faster at a given clock speed than a
computer with a 16-bit bus. For these reasons, there is no simple, universal
relation among clock speed, "bus speed," and millions of instructions
per second (MIPS).
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